Quick look
Andina Teen
Crema decolorante Extra suave – Sin amoniaco
Vitafardi C-B12
Polvo para suspensión oral.
Jabón líquido dermoprotector.
An expert team of highly qualified professionals
Technical team: highly qualified with a specialised track record in the conception of new formulations for the development of medicines, food supplements, medical devices and cosmetics.
Marketing team: professionals duly qualified to convey the differential value of our products to healthcare professionals, pharmacists and patients. Over the past decade and in line with its strategic plan to focus on its over-the-counter line and the diversification of its portfolio, FARDI has increased its presence in pharmacies by offering other lines in addition to its medicinal products, such as cosmetics, food supplements and medical devices. This has enabled FARDI to add a significant number of pharmacies to its list of regular clients.